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Piece of paper in a sentence

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Sentence count:156+9Posted:2017-12-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: a piece ofpiece of cakepiece of musica piece of cakepiece of furniturea nasty piece of workpad of paperbalance of paymentMeaning: n. used for writing or printing. 
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121, Take out a pencil and a piece of paper and begin numbering.
122, It could be a file folder or a shoebox or anything you like, but I think it's good to keep each idea on a separate piece of paper.
123, Bottommost one to receive a key and a piece of paper paper.
124, Magnetic attraction works even through a thin piece of paper, and if the magnetism is as strong as is claimed, the magnetic people should be able to do their trick with a shirt on.
125, During the day keep track of all the positive and negative thoughts you have by jotting them down in a notebook or on a piece of paper.
126, He would often waylay me as I was going to class and produce a piece of paper from his pocket, often with a puzzle already on it.
127, Fold a piece of paper round the flowers so that they will be easier to carry.
128, At last Rodgers took out a piece of paper and began to draw a cow.
129, He took out a piece of paper from a deep pocket on his long robe.
130, A good exercise is to go through the day with a little piece of paper and put a tally mark for each time you get an urge.
131, Aureliano wrote the name on a piece of paper that he pasted to the base of the small anvil: stake.
132, He would often waylay me as I was going to class and produce a piece of paper from his pocket, often with a puzzle already on it. The puzzles were usually mathematical or logical.
133, The only thing left now is to get title insurance—the piece of paper that ensures that the property is free of liens that could prevent it from legal sale—and to officially transfer the funds.
134, The higher the elongation of flexility on each piece of paper, paper is also not easy to draggle .
135, On 13 September, while bivouacked in a field that had the day before been occupied by Confederates, a Union private found in the grass three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper.
136, A typewriter is also appealing in its transparency — whack a key, and watch the typebar smack a letter onto a piece of paper.
137, Think of an image on a really big piece of paper, this is our world coordinates.
138, And the bearings into the oil cleaner, the use of soft scrub brush, ball and put the oil to clean the cracks, and then put gasoline in cleaning one times out on a clean piece of paper after.
139, Any loose piece of paper may be blown away by this sudden eclipse wind.
140, You can see the sight dome across the lower bout of the guitar by setting the edge of a straight piece of paper or cardboard on the soundboard.
141, The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink.
142, I wrote my birth time on a piece of paper and handed it to the fortune-teller .
143, Still bleary-eyed, he wrote "6am" on a piece of paper.
144, An amazing amount of information is packed onto this little wraparound piece of paper, often noting special tracks, concert dates[Sentencedict], discography information and release anniversaries.
145, I only can face with a piece of paper alone, with difficulty and a brown study.
146, After a month, scholars submit a piece of paper go up kingly.
147, So the typically under-copyright law if you scribble something on a piece of paper, you automatically have a copyright to that.
148, Rorschach inkblot created by folding a piece of paper coveredand filled with ink to form a symmetrical pattern.
149, Everybody please take out a piece of paper and write the periodic table from memory.
150, Luckily, I applied, and I got the piece of paper back saying, "Congratulations you won the DV lottery."
More similar words: a piece ofpiece of cakepiece of musica piece of cakepiece of furniturea nasty piece of workpad of paperbalance of paymentpiece by piecebalance of paymentspieceapiecerite of passagein piecesshowpieceearpieceof a pieceeyepiecemouthpiecepiece ratego to piecesnosepiecepiecemealpieceworkheadpiecetimepiecepiece workcrosspiecepiece togetherfall to pieces
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